
Supreme Court Struck by Two-Foot Marble Chunk

The keywords are:

1. Presidential Election
2. Voting Rights
3. Voter Suppression
4. Campaign Finance
5. Political Corruption
6. Gerrymandering
7. Election Reform

The Importance of Election Reform in the 2020 Presidential Election

The 2020 presidential election is approaching and with it comes an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the future of our nation. As the nation gears up for one of the most important electoral processes in its history, it is important to take a look at the current state of our electoral system and how it can be improved. This article will explore the importance of election reform in the 2020 presidential election, focusing on key areas such as voting rights, campaign finance, political corruption, gerrymandering, and more.

Voting Rights

Voting rights are one of the most basic and important elements of any election. Unfortunately, the United States has a long history of disenfranchisement and voter suppression which has hindered the progress of many minority groups. In recent years, there has been a concerted effort to pass legislation that will expand voting rights and make it easier for all citizens to cast their ballots. It is essential that the 2020 presidential election is conducted in a fair and equitable manner, and that all eligible citizens have the opportunity to participate in the process.

Campaign Finance

Campaign finance is an essential part of any election, and the 2020 presidential election is no exception. It is important to ensure that candidates are able to compete on a level playing field, and that they are not unduly influenced by wealthy donors or special interests. The current campaign finance system is in need of reform, and it is essential that the 2020 election is conducted in a way that does not favor any one candidate over another.

Political Corruption

Political corruption is a real problem in the United States, and it is essential that the 2020 presidential election is conducted in a way that does not allow it to take hold. Political corruption can take many forms, from bribery and influence peddling to voter suppression and gerrymandering. It is essential that the election process is conducted in an open and transparent manner, and that any attempts at manipulation are prevented.


Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing electoral districts in order to give an advantage to a particular political party or candidate. It is a serious issue in the United States, and can lead to a distortion of the will of the people. The 2020 presidential election must be conducted in a way that does not allow gerrymandering to take place, and that all citizens have the opportunity to have their voices heard.

Election Reform

Election reform is the process of improving the existing electoral system in order to ensure that it is fair and equitable. It is essential that the 2020 presidential election is conducted in a way that will ensure that all citizens have the opportunity to participate in the process and have their voices heard. Election reform must also be focused on preventing any potential attempts at manipulation or corruption.


The 2020 presidential election is a crucial opportunity to make a lasting impact on the future of our nation. It is essential that the election is conducted in a way that is fair and equitable, and that all citizens have the opportunity to participate in the process. Election reform is essential in order to ensure that our electoral system is not unduly influenced by special interests or wealthy donors, and that political corruption is prevented. In order for the 2020 election to be successful, it is essential that reforms are put in place that will ensure that the electoral process is fair and equitable.READ MORE:

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