
Supreme Court Rejects Patent Eligibility Clarification

Supreme Court Denies Petition for Certiorari: Breaking Down the Ruling on Detection Levels of Donor Cell-Free DNA

Today’s news that the United States Supreme Court denied the petition for certiorari brought by CareDX, Inc. in May, has sent shockwaves throughout the legal world. In this article, we will break down the ruling on detection levels of donor cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the blood of an organ transplant patient, and explain why the ruling was so important.

Cell-Free DNA and Its Significance in Medical Research

Cell-free DNA, also known as cfDNA, is a type of genetic material that can be found circulating in the bloodstream. The presence of cfDNA in the blood has been linked to a variety of medical conditions, such as cancer and other diseases. As such, it has become an important factor in medical research and diagnostics.

CareDX, Inc. and Their Patent

CareDX, Inc. is a biotech company that specializes in diagnostics related to organ transplantation. In May of 2022, they filed a petition for certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking them to review a decision holding certain claims of their patents directed to detection levels of cfDNA in the blood of an organ transplant patient, patent ineligible. The Supreme Court’s decision to deny the petition was a major blow to CareDX, Inc., and the medical research community as a whole.

The Significance of the Ruling

The decision by the Supreme Court to deny the petition for certiorari was incredibly significant for the medical research community, as it limits the ability of companies to patent certain processes related to detection levels of cfDNA in the blood. This decision ensures that medical research will move forward without the hindrance of restrictive patents, allowing for more innovation and progress.

The Implications of the Ruling

The implications of the Supreme Court’s decision are two-fold. First, the ruling ensures that companies will not be able to prevent other companies from using the same processes related to detection levels of cfDNA in the blood. This will result in increased competition between companies, leading to the development of better and more efficient processes. Second, it will also allow for the unrestricted use of these processes in medical research, which will ultimately lead to a better understanding of various medical conditions and a more thorough understanding of cfDNA.

The Impact of the Ruling on the Medical Research Community

The impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling cannot be overstated. The ability to freely use processes related to detection levels of cfDNA in the blood for medical research will open up a world of possibilities for the medical research community. It will allow them to explore new treatments and therapies, as well as develop new diagnostics. It will also allow for more accurate diagnoses of medical conditions, which will lead to improved patient outcomes.


The Supreme Court’s decision to deny the petition for certiorari brought by CareDX, Inc. is a major victory for the medical research community. The ruling ensures that medical research will move forward without the hindrance of restrictive patents, allowing for more innovation and progress. This will ultimately lead to a better understanding of various medical conditions and a more thorough understanding of cfDNA, which will have a positive impact on patient outcomes.


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