
Landlords Lose WA Court Case on COVID Eviction Ban

Opinion Article: Governor Jay Inslee’s Response to the Pandemic and Potential Lawsuits

When the pandemic struck our nation, it sent shockwaves through the economy and forced states to take drastic measures to protect their citizens. In Washington, Governor Jay Inslee took steps to protect renters from eviction, despite the potential consequences of lawsuits from landlords. This opinion article will analyze the implications of Governor Inslee’s actions and the possible lawsuits that could result.

Background on Governor Inslee’s Pandemic Policies

In March 2020, Washington Governor Jay Inslee issued a proclamation that suspended certain evictions related to the pandemic. According to the proclamation, landlords were prevented from evicting tenants for failure to pay rent if the tenant could demonstrate they had been impacted by the pandemic. The proclamation also placed limits on fees and charges landlords were allowed to impose.

Governor Inslee’s actions were designed to protect tenants from the economic impacts of the pandemic. By prohibiting certain evictions, the Governor hoped to ensure tenants had a safe place to live during a difficult time. Unfortunately, the proclamation also created potential legal issues for the Governor and the State of Washington.

Potential Lawsuits from Landlords

Shortly after Governor Inslee issued his proclamation, several landlords filed lawsuits against the Governor and the State of Washington. The lawsuits allege that the Governor and the State violated the law by suspending certain evictions and imposing limits on fees and charges. The landlords argue that they are entitled to evict tenants for failure to pay rent and to impose late fees and other charges.

The lawsuits are currently in the early stages and it is too soon to tell what the outcome will be. However, the potential implications are significant. If the landlords succeed in their lawsuits, it could set a precedent that would limit the ability of governors and states to protect tenants from eviction during pandemics and other crises.

Implications of the Lawsuits

The potential implications of the lawsuits against Governor Inslee and the State of Washington are far-reaching. If the landlords succeed in their lawsuits, it could set a precedent that would limit the ability of governors and states to protect tenants from eviction during pandemics and other crises. This could have a devastating impact on tenants who are already struggling to make ends meet.

In addition, the lawsuits could also have an impact on the state budget. If the Governor and the State are found liable for violating the law, they could be responsible for paying damages to the landlords. This could put a strain on the state’s budget, especially at a time when the pandemic has already caused significant economic hardship.

Analysis of the Potential Lawsuits

The potential lawsuits against Governor Inslee and the State of Washington raise important questions about the rights of landlords and tenants during a pandemic. On one hand, landlords should be able to enforce their rights and evict tenants who are not paying rent. On the other hand, tenants should be protected from eviction during a time of crisis. It is understandable that landlords would be frustrated with Governor Inslee’s proclamation, but it is also understandable that the Governor would want to protect tenants from eviction.

Ultimately, it is up to the courts to decide the outcome of the lawsuits. Regardless of the outcome, the lawsuits will have implications for landlords and tenants in Washington and across the country. It is important to remember that this is a complex issue and that there are no easy answers. The courts will have to decide which rights should be prioritized and how to best protect tenants from eviction while still protecting landlords’ rights.


Governor Inslee’s proclamation to suspend certain evictions in the wake of the pandemic has created a potential legal issue for the Governor and the State of Washington. Several landlords have filed lawsuits alleging that the Governor and the State violated the law by suspending certain evictions and imposing limits on fees and charges. The outcome of the lawsuits will have far-reaching implications for landlords and tenants in Washington and across the country. It is a complex issue that will require careful consideration from the courts and the public.


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